Collaborative Coding Process

Our Collaborative Coding Process Makes You Confident In Your Software Project

A discovery call with us is more than just a time for you to tell us what you need – let’s face it, you might not even know exactly what you need.

The discovery call is an opportunity to explore the concepts around what you want to build, at a high level – how it contributes to your business, and what impact it will have.

After a discovery call, you’ll receive our Outline Understanding Document. We call it this, because at this point it’s more than a quote.

Our outline understanding document details what you want to achieve, how we’re going to make that happen, what it will cost, and an opportunity to change anything up front.

This is the most complex phase of our process – actually developing your solution. The best bit? We know stuff changes!

Our Collaborative Coding Process allows you to make changes, even whilst we’re developing your application – see below for more!

Once we’re at the point you’re happy for this to be released in the first version of the application, our deployment process kicks in.

We will ensure that you’re supported beyond this, with everything being made simple and clear at each step – with support agreements in place!

Ready To Get Your Project Started?

Our team are ready to help – just book a discovery call to get started